Call us now 9093660551

Sopari / Sopari tudka (200 gm)

78.00 (0.04 Miles)
(Delivery with in 7-15 DAYS)


  • Betel quid chewing, such as alertness, increased stamina, a sense of well-being, euphoria, and salivation.
  • Chewing the nut stimulates the flow of saliva to aid digestion.
  • Betel nut also has been used to stimulate the appetite.
  • Chewing the nut stimulates the flow of saliva to aid digestion.
  • Betel nut is used in Ayurveda for the treatment of bile disease, and in the treatment of diseases that are caused by phlegm, anemia and obesity.

  • Betel quid chewing, such as alertness, increased stamina, a sense of well-being, euphoria, and salivation.
  • Chewing the nut stimulates the flow of saliva to aid digestion.
  • Betel nut also has been used to stimulate the appetite.
  • Chewing the nut stimulates the flow of saliva to aid digestion.
  • Betel nut is used in Ayurveda for the treatment of bile disease, and in the treatment of diseases that are caused by phlegm, anemia and obesity.
  • Be the first to review this product


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